Friday, February 29, 2008

The Double-Double Up Deal For Leap Year - Act Fast Today Only

The Double-Double Up Deal For Leap Year

Sign up now and get this offer out to your lists
and contacts and downlines today!

Make yourself some nice Leap Year commissions.

Jane Mark has just released a fantastic offer here for one day only

This kind of deal comes along once every four years.

It's a Leap Year

February grew an additional day

We are celebrating today and you get the gift.

Here's the deal

Run, don't walk over to our new site

Viral Ads Depot

Join as a pro member with a 50 to 1 rotation
or higher and we will Quadruple your rotations

For example:

If you order a 50 to 1 rotation, we will Quadruple
your rotations to 100 to 1

Order 100 to 1 rotations and we will give
you a 500 to 1 rotation since we don't have
a 400 to 1 option:)

We are giving the store away today
It happens once every four years

You have until midnight est to act

Don't worry if you already have a VAD account
You can have as many VAD accounts as you like
so get in on this deal today.

Pro Members can purchase a second account
Lifetime Members can purchase a second account.

This gives you a chance to get a second ad in
rotation and it gets you name to come up more
in rotation.

Remember Phil and I advertise VAD for
everyone so you can get sign ups and sales
just through our advertising efforts. The more
times your name shows, the more likely it
is that you get the sign up and sale and the

You can't miss with this one even if you are
already a member.

Take a leap today
Deals like this come along once every four years

Viral Ads Depot

Have a great Leap Year Day

Jane Mark

PS Give us 48 hours please to upgrade your
rotations once you order. Thanks Jane

Best Regards,

Jason Lamure

SEO Tools and Search Engine Marketing
Join Our Free Banner Exchange
Free 2-Tier Affiliate Program

PS - Please accept my free gift for you.

For a Limited Time only you can get this
100% FREE Instant Download - No optin needed

"One Signup a Day Strategy"

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