Thursday, June 25, 2009

ugly website sells 1200% more in 30 minutes

I just watched this crazy video that shows how Keith Wellman
is using "video skinning" to increase conversions in under 30
minutes on any affiliate product in any niche...

You may not know it but Keith is the man behind most of the
sales videos you've seen online and YES they are selling
millions of dollars of products so it's pretty cool that he's
giving away a few of the secrets.

Keith is using these video's to sell his stuff and it actually
freed up so much of his time that he's been taking lots of
family time, vacations, and I'm told "call of duty" on the
xbox Smiley

Then he is of course hit up by ton's of guru's asking how
to do it... after talking about 7 or 8 of them through the
process individually he said .. and I quote

"ok nuff of that ... I'm going to create an easy to follow
system to get back to my gaming and family time!"

Which leads to why he just put up this hour and a half
video for you Smiley

Check it out here...



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